
Sodium batteries could one day power a green economy!

1 Mar 2025 by Piero

Our research reacently published in, “Obtaining V2(PO4)3 by sodium extraction from single-phase Nax(V2(PO4)3(1<x<3) positive electrode materials. Nat. Mater. 24, 234-242 (2025), DOI: 10.1038/s41563-024-02023-7 research toghether with LRCS in Amiens, France and ICMCB, Université de Bordeaux, France, was featured in Science Move over lithium: Sodium batteries could one day power a green economy

A PDF of this article can be found here.

Piero named as ACS Materials Au Rising Star in Materials Science!

21 Dec 2022 by Piero

Our group is excited to share with you that Piero has been named ACS Materials Au Rising Star in Materials Science!

Piero has been featured among the 17 early career materials researchers from around the world, who are pushing scientific boundaries, conducting impactful research at the forefront of fundamental or applied research, and interfacing with other disciplines.

More info can be found in this link.

Eshaan from Caltech visit our laboratory

5 Dec 2022 by Piero

On December 1st the PhD studente Eshaan Patheria from the research group of Kim See at Caltech visited our laboratory.

Eshaan seemed to enjoy a rainy science discussion with Jerry and Ziliang.

Predicted CaV2O4 as an oxide for electrodes in calcium batteries realized in practice!

28 Feb 2022 by Piero

The group of Prof. Palacín at the Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona, Spain could reproduce our predictions in Lu W., Wang J., Gautam G. S., Canepa P.; Chem. Mater., 33, 5809-5821 (2021) on CaV2O4 as cathode material for Ca-ion batteries.

More information about the novel experimental findings by the Palacín’s group can be found in Energy Storage Materials, 47, 354-364 (2022).

Our Collaborative Work with UNSW (Australia) on the stability of Indium/Lithium and Indium/Tin Alloys with Solid Electrolytes Appears in Chem. Mater.

30 Jul 2021 by Piero

Today, July 30th, Baltej Singh published the exciting results of our research lead by our collaborator Dr. Dipan Kundu in the School of Chemical Engineering at UNSW, Australia.

The manuscript investigates the fundamental electro-chemo-mechanical stabilities of Lithium-Indium and Lithium-Tin alloys of varied Li stoichiometries with sulfide electrolyte based SSBs. The intermetallic electrodes developed through a controlled synthesis and fabrication technique display impressive (electro)chemical stability with Li6PS5Cl as the solid electrolyte and maintain nearly perfect interfacial contact during the electrochemical Li insertion/de-insertion under an optimal stack pressure.

The manuscript can be found here

Big congratulations to Baltej for his achievement!

Congratulations to Mr. Ziliang Wang, who has passed successfully his 2nd oral exam towards his degreeo of PhD!

15 Jul 2021 by Piero

On July 15th, Mr. Ziliang Wang has passed successfully the most important exam towards the fulfillment of his Phd in Materials Science and Engineeing at NUS. Big congratulations Ziliang towards your PhD achievements and success in science.

Most importantly, Ziliang salary now will be increased, which will allow him to pay your dinner.

Tara most recent manuscript gets some great press in a number of outlets!

12 Apr 2021 by Tara

On April 12th, 2021, the research work of Mr. Tara P. Mishra entitled Unlocking the Origin of Compositional Fluctuations in InGaN Light Emitting Diodes and developed by NUS and SMART was has received some press in a number of new outlets, which are:

  • The science behind varying performance of different colored LEDs on
  • New Method may Lead to More Efficient LEDs by AZO Optics
  • SMART discovers the science behind varying performance of different colored LEDs by ScienceDaily’s
  • Researchers discover the science behind varying performance of different colored LEDs published on
  • New method observes compositional fluctuations in high-indium-content InGaN LEDs by Semiconductor Today

The full manuscript can be found here.

Congratulations to Mr. Tara P. Mishra, who has published his first paper in the Physical Review Materials!

5 Feb 2021 by Piero

On February 5th, the research work of Mr. Tara P. Mishra entitled Unlocking the Origin of Compositional Fluctuations in InGaN Light Emitting Diodes was published in Physical Review Materials. Tara developed a powerful methodology to detect the formation of In clusters in high Indium content InxGa1-xN LEDs quantum wells (QWs). His study showed a direct comparison between the computationally predicted and experimentally observed compositional fluctuations.

Autonomous detection of compositional fluctuations in InxGa1–xN samples.
Autonomous detection of compositional fluctuations in InxGa1-x samples.

He found that although a random alloy model captures the distribution of compositional fluctuations in relatively low In (~18%) content InxGa1-xN QWs, there exists a striking deviation from the model in higher In content (~24 %) QWs. The results highlight a distinct behaviour in carrier localization driven by compositional fluctuations in the low and high In-content InxGa1-xN QWs, which would ultimately affect the performance of LEDs.

The full manuscript can be found here.