Ziyi Hu

Visiting PhD Student

I received my bachelor degree from Zhejiang University of Technology (ZJUT), China in 2019. Currently, I am a PhD student at the School of Materials Science and Engineering at Zhejiang University (ZJU), supervised by Prof. Yongjun Wu. I found my passion for energy storage and environment protection in my undergraduate. I did projects about the cycling of LIBs(Li-ion batteries) cathode(NCM) and fabrication of high-rate graphite anode before. My present research is focused on high-performance ZIBs(Zn-ion batteries), specifically on the characterization and optimization of electrodes. Simulations via first-principles calculations on the cathode would be an important piece of the jigsaw in the research, thus I am setting out to find the answers. In my spare time, I like playing ping-pong, going hiking, and archery. I am also fascinated with making the podcast and doing amateur dubbing.